Machine Groups
Machine groups are used to organize and track the machines that are included in a scan. You can manage machine groups and the contents of each machine group. All machine types are supported by the REST API except for offline workstation virtual machines.
Base URL
Supported Requests
Method | URL | Input | Return |
https://<consoleFQDN:port>/st/console/api/v1.0/machinegroups/{group Id} |
None |
https://<consoleFQDN:port>/st/console/api/v1.0/machinegroups/{group Id}/discoveryFilters |
Success code |
https://<consoleFQDN:port>/st/console/api/v1.0/machinegroups/{group Id}/discoveryFilters/{filter Id} |
Success code |
https://<consoleFQDN:port>/st/console/api/v1.0/machinegroups/{group Id}/virtualMachineDiscoveryFilters |
Success code |
https://<consoleFQDN:port>/st/console/api/v1.0/machinegroups/{group Id}/virtualMachineDiscoveryFilters/{filter Id} |
Success code |
https://<consoleFQDN:port>/st/console/api/v1.0/machinegroups |
https://<consoleFQDN:port>/st/console/api/v1.0/machinegroups/{group Id} |
https://<consoleFQDN:port>/st/console/api/v1.0/machinegroups/{group Id}/UsedBy |
https://<consoleFQDN:port>/st/console/api/v1.0/machinegroups/{group Id}/discoveryFilters |
Discovery Filters | ||
https://<consoleFQDN:port>/st/console/api/v1.0/machinegroups/{group Id}/discoveryFilters/{filterId} |
Discovery Filters | |
https://<consoleFQDN:port>/st/console/api/v1.0/machinegroups/{group Id}/virtualMachineDiscoveryFilters |
https://<consoleFQDN:port>/st/console/api/v1.0/machinegroups/{group Id}/virtualMachineDiscoveryFilters/{filterId} |
https://<consoleFQDN:port>/st/console/api/v1.0/machinegroups |
https://<consoleFQDN:port>/st/console/api/v1.0/machinegroups/{group Id}/discoveryFilters |
MachineGroup | ||
https://<consoleFQDN:port>/st/console/api/v1.0/machinegroups/{group Id}/virtualMachineDiscoveryFilters |
MachineGroup | ||
https://<consoleFQDN:port>/st/console/api/v1.0/machinegroups/{group Id} |
Success code |
https://<consoleFQDN:port>/st/console/api/v1.0/machinegroups/{Id}/credentials |
Success code |
https://<consoleFQDN:port>/st/console/api/v1.0/machinegroups/{group Id}/discoveryFilters/{filter Id} |
Success code |
https://<consoleFQDN:port>/st/console/api/v1.0/machinegroups/{group Id}/discoveryFilters/{filter Id}/credentials |
Success code |
https://<consoleFQDN:port>/st/console/api/v1.0/machinegroups/{group Id}/virtualMachineDiscoveryFilters/{filter Id} |
Success code |
https://<consoleFQDN:port>/st/console/api/v1.0/machinegroups/{group Id}/virtualMachineDiscoveryFilters/{filter Id}/credentials |
Success code |
Input Models

Name | Required? | Type | Default Value | Description |
Ids |
Yes |
Int32[] |
None |
The Machine IDs. The values must be specified within an array. |
errorPolicy |
No |
Throw |

Name | Type | Description |
count |
Integer |
Provide the count of items to return. The default is 10 and the maximum value is 1000. |
The following do not apply to discoveryFilters or virtualMachineDiscoveryFilters GET requests. |
createdByMe |
Boolean |
Returns only those items created by the user. This parameter will be removed in a future release and should only be used in legacy requests. |
name |
String |
Returns the items whose name matches the specified name. |
start |
Integer |
Sets the starting point. The items are sorted by their unique identifier and the starting point is the index into that sorted list. |
path |
String |
Returns the items containing the path. |

Name | Required? | Type | Default Value | Description |
adminCredential |
No |
Guid |
None |
The unique identifier of the associated admin credential. |

Name | Required? | Type | Default Value | Description |
adminCredentialId |
No |
Guid |
None |
The unique identifier of the associated admin credential. |
containerCredentialId |
No |
Guid |
None |
The unique identifier of the associated browse or container credential. |

Name | Required? | Type | Default Value | Description |
connectionMethod |
No |
Enum |
None |
Specifies the method used to connect to the machines within the machine group. Valid values are:
credentialId |
No |
Guid |
None |
The unique identifier of the credential associated with the machine group. |
description |
No |
String |
None |
Provides a description of the machine group. |
discoveryFilters |
No |
None |
Specifies the machines and containers in the machine group. |
errorPolicy |
No |
String |
Omit |
Determines if the call will throw an error when encountering an invalid ID.
name |
Yes |
String |
None |
The unique, user-defined name of the machine group. |
path |
No |
String |
None |
The path that describes the location of the machine group within the My Machine Groups list in the navigation pane. Example: Lab\Servers |
serverFilterTypes |
No |
All |
The server filter types that will be included when scanning a machine group. |
virtualMachineDiscoveryFilters |
No |
None |
Specifies the hosted virtual machines in the machine group. |

Name | Required? | Type | Default Value | Description |
discoveryFilters[] |
No |
None |
Specifies the discovery filter items in the machine group. |
errorPolicy |
No |
String |
Omit |
Determines if the call will throw an error when encountering an invalid ID.

Name | Required? | Type | Default Value | Description |
adminCredentialId |
No |
Guid |
None |
The unique identifier of the credential associated with the admin credential. |
category |
No |
None |
The type of filter or machine group item. |
containerCredentialId |
No |
Guid |
None |
The unique identifier of the associated browse or container credential. |
includeChildOU |
No |
Boolean |
None |
The child OUs. |
isExcluded |
No |
Boolean |
None |
Is the item included or excluded during the operation. |
name |
Yes |
String |
None |
The filter or endpoint name. |
note |
No |
String |
None |
A user-specified note or description. |
sshServerValidationMode |
No |
String |
Blocked |
Specifies if an SSH connection can be used when the console communicates with endpoints that support SSH and for which SMB fails. There are potential security risks when using an SSH connection, so be sure to review the SSH Authentication topic before making a decision.

Name | Required? | Type | Default Value | Description |
virtualMachineDiscoveryFilters[] |
No |
None |
Specifies the hosted virtual machine discovery filter items in the machine group. |
errorPolicy |
No |
String |
Omit |
Determines if the call will throw an error when encountering an invalid ID.

Name | Required? | Type | Default Value | Description |
adminCredentialId |
No |
Guid |
None |
The unique identifier of the credential associated with the admin credential. |
inventoryPath |
Yes |
String |
None |
The virtual inventory path that describes the location. Example: /Server/vm/QA/vm-qa-w81x64-1 |
note |
No |
String |
None |
A user-specified note or description. |
serverName |
Yes |
String |
None |
The name of the server or hypervisor. |
Example with Sample Response
Create an empty machine group named "Sample Group"
POST Request
"name": "Sample Group",
"description":"A sample group created using the REST API",
"path": "TestPath",
"credentialId": "684a5bb0-fabb-43f7-9bef-db02eb25a83b",
"serverFilterTypes": "All"
Sample Response
"creator": "DOMAIN\\joe.coder",
"credentialId": "684a5bb0-fabb-43f7-9bef-db02eb25a83b",
"description": "A sample group created using the REST API",
"id": 7,
"isBuiltIn": false,
"isReadOnly": false,
"links": {
"self": {
"href": ""
"discoveryfilters": {
"href": ""
"virtualmachinediscoveryfilters": {
"href": ""
"usedby": {
"href": ""
"name": "Sample Group",
"path": "TestPath",
"serverFilterTypes": "All",
"virtualMachineDiscoveryFilters": []
Other Request Examples

DELETE Request

DELETE Request
"Ids": [9, 10, 11],
"ErrorPolicy": "Omit"

GET Request

GET Request

GET Request

GET Request

GET Request

GET Request

POST Request
"name": "Example Machine Group",
"credentialId": "01234567-89AB-CDEF-0123-456789ABCDEF",
"description":"A machine group example",
"discoveryFilters":[ {
"adminCredentialId": "98765432-10AB-CDEF-0123-456789ABCDEF",
"category": "MachineName",
"name": "",
"isExcluded": "False"

POST Request
"errorPolicy": "Throw",
"category": "MachineName",
"name": "TestMachine3"
"category": "IPAddress",
"name": ""
"category": "IPRange",
"name": ""
"category": "OrganizationalUnit",
"name": "OU=OU Sample,DC=ab1,DC=testlab,DC=example,DC=com"
"category": "Domain",
"name": ""
"category": "NestedGroup",
"name": "SampleGroup
"category": "VirtualServerWildcard",
"name": ""

In this example, the server must have been previously added to the virtual inventory.
POST Request
"virtualMachineDiscoveryFilters": [
"serverName": "",
"AdminCredentialId": "fffbe3f5-42e1-40a7-b3d4-6d2dd9bcb1fd",
"inventoryPath": "/GRYFFINDOR/vm/TEST/VMH-QA-W81X64-2",
"note": "Hosted VM: Windows 81 64-bit"

PUT Request
"name": "NewName"

PUT Request

PUT Request
"category": "IPRange",
"name": ""

In this example, the machine group ID = 38 and the ID of the domain discovery filter within the group is 12.
PUT Request

PUT Request
"serverName": "",
"inventoryPath": "/server/vm/w81x64",
"adminCredential": "a3224455-d49e-4666-af29-3aebc58a365a"

PUT Request

This example shows how to create a credential and then a machine group that contains some initial discovery filter items. It then adds a virtual server and a nested group. Finally, it updates the group credential and the discovery filter credential.
$credBody = @{ name = [GUID]::NewGuid(); userName = "administrator"; password = @{ clearText = "ExamplePW123" }} | ConvertTo-Json -depth 10
$securityControlsCred = Invoke-RestMethod -UseDefaultCredentials -Method Post -Body $credBody "https://jdoe-z789:3121/st/console/api/v1.0/credentials" -ContentType "application/json"
# create machine group
$mgBody = @{ Name = [Guid]::NewGuid()
DiscoveryFIlters =
@{ category = "MachineName"; name = "test-w10x64-1" }
@{ category = "IPAddress"; name = "" }
@{ category = "IPRange"; name = "" }
@{ category = "OrganizationalUnit"; name = "OU=OU JohnD,DC=test3,DC=testlab,DC=example,DC=com"; containerCredentialId = $ }
@{ category = "Domain"; name = ""; containerCredentialId = $ }
@{ category = "MachineFile"; name = "c:\machines.txt" }
VirtualMachineDiscoveryFilters =
@{ ServerName = ""; inventoryPath = "/ourvms/test/TEST-W81X64-1" },
@{ ServerName = ""; inventoryPath = "/ourvms/test/TEST-W2K12X64-1" }
} | ConvertTo-Json -depth 10
$mg = Invoke-RestMethod -UseDefaultCredentials -Method Post -Body $mgBody "https://jdoe-z789:3121/st/console/api/v1.0/machineGroups" -ContentType "application/json"
# add virtual server wildcard discovery filter - The server must have already been added to the virtual inventory, containerCredentialId does not need to be specified because it is retrieved from the virtual inventory.
$dfBody = @{ discoveryFilters = @(@{ category = "VirtualServerWildcard"; name = "" })} | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
Invoke-RestMethod -UseDefaultCredentials -Method Post -Body $dfBody $mg.links.discoveryfilters.href -ContentType "application/json"
# add 'My Machine' as a nested group discovery filter
$group = Invoke-RestMethod -UseDefaultCredentials -Method Get "https://jdoe-z789:3121/st/console/api/v1.0/machineGroups?Name=My%20Machine" -ContentType "application/json"
$dfBody = @{ discoveryFilters = @(@{ category = "NestedGroup"; name = $group.value[0].name; nestedGroupId = $group.value[0].id })} | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
Invoke-RestMethod -UseDefaultCredentials -Method Post -Body $dfBody $mg.links.discoveryfilters.href -ContentType "application/json"
# Update the machine group credential
$mg | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "CredentialId" -Value $securityControlsCred.Id
Invoke-RestMethod -UseDefaultCredentials -Method Put -Body ($mg | ConvertTo-Json -depth 10) $mg.links.self.href -ContentType "application/json"
# Update the first discovery filters credential
$filters = Invoke-RestMethod -UseDefaultCredentials $mg.links.discoveryfilters.href
Invoke-RestMethod -UseDefaultCredentials -Method Put ($filters.value[0].links.self.href + "/credentials?adminCredentialId=" + $
Output Models

Name | Type | Description |
connectionMethod |
Enum |
Specifies the method used to connect to the machine. |
creator |
String |
The name of the user who created the machine group. Example: MyDomain\\John.Doe |
credentialId |
Guid |
The unique identifier of the credential associated with the machine group. |
description |
String |
Provides a description of the machine group. |
discoveryFilters |
Specifies the machines and containers in the machine group. |
id |
Integer |
The unique identifier of the machine group. |
isBuiltIn |
Boolean |
Specifies if the machine group is a built-in (predefined) group such as My Machine or My Domain. |
isReadOnly |
Boolean |
Specifies if the machine group is editable. All user-defined machine groups are editable, as well as the My Test Machines group. |
links |
Links |
Shows the related URLs for each machine group, the discoveryfilters, the virtualmachinediscoveryfilters and the usedby list. |
name |
String |
The unique, user-defined name of the machine group. |
path |
String |
The path that describes the location of the machine group within the My Machine Groups list in the navigation pane. Example: Lab\Servers |
serverFilterTypes |
The server filter types that will be included when scanning a machine group. |
virtualMachineDiscoveryFilters |
Specifies the hosted virtual machines in the machine group. |

Name | Type | Description |
adminCredentialID |
Guid |
The ID of the associated administrative credential ID (if any). |
category |
The type of filter or machine group item. |
containerCredentialId |
Guid |
The ID of the associated browse or container credential ID (if any). |
id |
Integer |
The unique identifier of the item. |
includeChildOU |
Boolean |
Include child OUs. |
isExcluded |
Boolean |
Is the item included or excluded during the operation? |
links |
Links |
Shows the related URL for the discovery filter. |
name |
String |
The filter or endpoint name. |
nestedGroupId |
Integer |
The nested group ID. |
note |
String |
A user-specified note or description. |

An enumerated type that defines what category an item belongs to. These values will be explicitly defined with specific number values because they map to integer type information contained in the database and in previous versions of the product.
Name | Description |
machineName |
Represents that a discovery filter was added as a machine name. |
domain |
Represents that a discovery filter was added as a domain. |
ipAddress |
Represents that a discovery filter was added as a single IP address. |
ipRange |
Represents that a discovery filter was added as a range of IP addresses. |
machineFile |
Represents that a discovery filter was added from a list of machine names. |
domainFile |
Represents that a discovery filter was added from a list of domains. |
ipRangeFile |
Represents that a discovery filter was added from a list of IP ranges. |
ipAddressFile |
Represents that a discovery filter was added as a list of IP addresses. |
organizationalUnit |
Represents that a discovery filter was added as an organizational unit. When searching via OU, the OU name should be properly escaped for any LDAP special characters. |
nestedGroup |
Represents that a discovery filter was added as a nested group. |
virtualServerWildcard |
Represents that a discovery filter was added as a virtual server wildcard. |
The items that follow apply only to virtualMachineDiscoveryFilters. |
virtualServerCenterHostedOfflineSystem |
Represents that a virtual machine discovery filter was added as a hosted VM. |
offlineDirectory or offlineImage |
Represents an offline VM that resides on a workstation. The item was added to the machine group using the product user interface (adding workstation VMs via the REST API is currently not supported). |

Name | Description |
workstation |
Specifies the workstation's operating system. |
server |
Specifies the server's operating system. |
sqlServer |
Specifies if a machine is running SQL Server. |
domainController |
Specifies if a machine is a domain controller. |
printServer |
Specifies if a machine is a print server. |
iisServer |
Specifies if a machine is an IIS server. |

Name | Type | Description |
name |
String |
The name of the item using the machine group. |
usageType |
Enum |
The type of component using the machine group. |

Name | Type | Description |
adminCredentialID |
Guid |
The ID of the associated administrative credential ID (if any). |
category |
The type of filter or machine group item. |
id |
Int32 |
The unique identifier of the item. |
inventoryPath |
String |
The inventory path returned from a hypervisor or vCenter. Shows the images that are contained on the hypervisor or vCenter. |
links |
Links |
Shows the related URL for the discovery filter. |
note |
String |
A user-specified note or description. |
serverName |
String |
The server (vCenter) name. |

Name | Type | Description |
hostName |
String |
The host name. |
id |
Int32 |
The unique identifier of the item |
inventoryPath |
String |
The inventory path. |
ipAddress |
IDAddress |
The IP address. |
lastKnownPowerState |
VirtualMachineState |
The last known power state. |
links |
Links |
The links associated with the image |
name |
String |
The name of the item. |
runningStatus |
ToolsRuningStatus |
The VMware tools running status. |
versionStatus |
ToolsVersionStatus |
The VMware tools version status |